Livia Burchianti was born in Sao Paulo (Brazil) on December 23rd 1989 and expresses herself through drawing and painting since early ages. She learned from her mother, an architect, the colors harmony, the plight look and the balance of volumes and shapes.
The oil on canvas entered in her life when she was eleven. At fifteen, she started painting human figures and does not stopped nevermore. After the tragic death of her father in 2007 and the study preparation to enter the university, her dedication to painting diminished considerably. However, Burchianti never stopped painting.
In 2015, she´s graduated in Medicine at Santa Casa de São Paulo School of Medical Sciences. Along the graduation, the painting was an outlet throughout the exhausting demands of her course. Burchianti has specialized herself in Otorhinolaryngology at the same institution. Joining Medicine and Art, she reconciles the artistic part on of Scientific Illustrations published in the main books, journals and annals of Medical Congresses (see more).
In 2017, with more than 10 years of work, she made the solo exhibition "L. Burchianti: a decade of art" at the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo. The exhibition featured more than 70 works, including oils, pastels and coal works (see more).
In 2022 she has participated of the "XIII SINAP/AIAP Salon of Arts" on Lauro Monteiro de Carvalho e Silva Cultural Center in Mogi Mirim, São Paulo, with an oil on canvas exposed and awarded with the first prize (see more).